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Intricate rhythms blend traditional kpalogo drums, djembe, kora, and balafone with exciting vocals, guitar riffs, and horn lines, creating a new musical force – a sound which connects him with his audiences and inspires even the most reserved listener to get up and dance and sing along.
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African Soul Book Now Brochure

“One of the most powerful aspects of drumming and the reason people have done it since the beginning of being human is that it changes peoples consciousness. Through rhythmic repetition of ritual sounds the body, brain and the nervous system are energised and transformed.”

Robert Lawrence Friedman – The Healing Power of the Drum


  • Reduces stress levels
  • Increases overall health and wellbeing
  • Stimulates coordination
  • Makes both sides of the brain work together
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Releases endorphins
  • Is great for fitness
  • Improves concentration  & focus

At African Soul we specialise in providing workshops and drum therapy sessions for groups with all kinds of abilities. We regularly witness the effortless and uncomplicated power the drum has to relax the tense, energise the tired, and heal the emotionally wounded. We see first-hand the ability the drum has to create a state of euphoria, promote play, release anger and stress, promote unity and create a sense of community. Drumming is not only great fun and good for the soul, it also has many medical benefits.

In 2001 Dr. Barry Bittman MD conducted a scientific study that showed “important scientific evidence documenting potential health benefits associated with a single group drumming session. Statistically significant increases in the activity of cellular immune components responsible for seeking out and destroying cancer cells and viruses were noted in subjects who drummed.” Drumming stimulates both the left and right side of the brain encouraging them to work together as one, resulting in hemispheric synchronization. This helps reduce overall stress and anxiety and helps you to feel calm and balanced.